The Arc of Ocean County's Vocational Services provides a wide array of services for individuals with disabilities to support a person's goals and aspirations throughout their lifetime.
Our six Adult Training Centers (ATCs) located in Brick, Lakehurst, Lakewood, Toms River, and Tuckerton provide day habilitation designed to provide quality programming with a wide variety of activities in order to allow the participants to choose how they spend their time. An emphasis is placed on increasing independence in their home, community, and in a work place setting. Examples include: Arts, Computers, Health and Wellness, Life Skills, Money Management, Janitorial, and Recreation.
Transition Services are provided to students and young adults through Journeys and Discovery and the local school districts to ease the transition process to DDD programs and provide a strong network of support. Participants receive training to develop skills for Employment based services.
Pre-Employment Transition Services are designed to increase the skills and attributes needed for successful transition into community integrated employment. The five basic principles include: Job Exploration, Work-Based Learning, Post-Secondary Counseling, Workplace Readiness, and Self-Advocacy. EDGE 1 and 2 are statewide programs for students who are blind and visually impaired and Learn to Earn is a paid internship program for students in Ocean, Burlington, Monmouth, and Atlantic counties.
The Arc Employment Center (AEC) in Lakewood provides employment based training while earning a paycheck. Participants work rate and piecework under 14C, receive case management, and operate two businesses including Arc Cleaning Services and Arc Shredding Services.
The Arc's Employment Services includes Supported Employment, Trial Work Experience, Ticket to Work, and Benefit Counseling to individuals with disabilities in search of community integrated employment opportunities.
The Arc provides transportation to all individuals within Ocean County receiving Vocational Services. This includes a 124 fleet of agency vehicles with routine maintenance needs and route configuration.
Lastly, Monster Fitness is an adaptive fitness and nutrition program catered to the individuals across the ATCs and AEC which increases socialization among programs and offers a lifelong commitment to health and wellness.